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Sunday, January 10, 2016

FOUR new elements (inc Japonicium and Moscovium?) - Periodic Table of Videos

The first transuranium element (element with atomic number greater than 92) discovered was neptunium in 1940. Since 1999 claims for the discovery of new elements have been considered by the IUPAC/IUPAP Joint Working Party. As of January 2016, all 118 elements have been confirmed as discovered by IUPAC. The discovery of element 112 was acknowledged in 2009, and the name copernicium and the atomic symbolCn were suggested for it.[32] The name and symbol were officially endorsed by IUPAC on 19 February 2010.[33] The heaviest element that is believed to have been synthesized to date is element 118, ununoctium, on 9 October 2006, by the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions in Dubna, Russia.[12][34] Element 117 was the latest element claimed to be discovered, in 2009.[35] IUPAC officially recognized flerovium andlivermorium, elements 114 and 116, in June 2011 and approved their names in May 2012.[36] In December 2015, IUPAC further recognized elements 113, 115, 117 and 118, and the official names of those elements will be decided thereafter.[37]

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